Your truth lives within you

I will never tell you what to do. There is no mold to fit. No wrong or right. No end point on your journey where suddenly “all is perfect” and life itself has reached some utopian state. This very concept is rooted in the denial of life itself. In the avoidance of pain.

What I will do is teach you how to connect to your truth. How to listen to the voice of your womb, the voice of your heart, the silent whispers of your soul. I will help you see what you haven’t seen before by guiding you to gently, lovingly, compassionately remove the blinders, the untruths, the obstacles, all the rubble that has been heaped upon you – perhaps lifetime after lifetime.

This is not done through effort or force or trying. Those are the old ways rooted in conditioning that tell us not to trust the wisdom of the body. They require us to come outside of ourselves to find the answers. To harbor shame and guilt when we “walk out of line” or do things differently than others.

No. Not anymore. It’s time to let shame dissolve through the power of love you access within your very own being.

The guilt and burdens fall off your shoulders for they are not yours to carry. They were never yours, but you took them on, hoping to be “good,” “obedient,” “nice,” “loving.” To belong. Be accepted. Included.

Real belonging will never be to another person. As much as we are taught to believe this – especially as women – it is simply not true.

You belong to you. Stepping outside of yourself to belong to another is a form of self-betrayal.

It denies the value of who you are.

It gives the other permission to decide for you.

It makes your worthiness contingent on their opinion of you.

To belong to yourself is to own every single aspect of who you are – light and dark. To define yourself from the inside out, which is really another way of having no definition that conforms to external standards or expectations. Because you are a living, evolving being. You were never meant to be fixed, static, uptight, holding onto “how it’s always been.”

You get to birth yourself anew every day – if you so choose – as you come into deeper and deeper alignment with the truth of your soul as it rattles your bones and shakes through your core and cries out to be heard. Honored. Acted upon. So you stand up, spread your hips wide, and open your heart to let out the roar of who you are for all to see, for all to hear, without apology.

We have one more spot available in a small, intimate 9-month Portal of Initiation to Embody your Divinity: Reclaim the Holiness of your Body, Voice, and Sexuality that begins on 9/22/22. Claims it here.

Plus, subscribe to my new YouTube channel here and be on the lookout for details on a Podcast Release Party (!!!) for Radically Embody Love, which I’m co-hosting with my friend and colleague Nasrin Barbic. You can get a sneak peek at our first three episodes here.

With all my love,

Jessica Falcon

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Published by Jessica

A former lawyer turned mystic, Jessica Falcon is an International Soul Embodiment Guide & Divine Feminine Activator. She guides you to embody your soul’s truth so you reclaim your power and sovereignty. After leaving the legal profession in 2013 to embark on a spiritual pilgrimage, Jessica experienced an 8-year initiation into divine feminine power. During this time, she spent years researching religious history, ancient civilizations, and mythology. She has identified the core beliefs – deeply embedded in the individual and collective psyche – that keep us from owning our power, speaking our truth, and liberating our sexuality.

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